Mx. Lena Queen, LCSW, M.Ed. (Queen/They)
Sexuality & Somatics
SHIFT Somatic Healing
HTES Erotic Coaching
Erotic Intelligence
Professional Learning
Healing Intensives & Retreats
Signed in as:
SHIFT Somatic Healing
HTES Erotic Coaching
Erotic Intelligence
Professional Learning
Healing Intensives & Retreats
From Wounded to Empowered: A Professional Use of Self
Over the last three years I have developed an embodied belief that our purpose for living is to live whole pleasurably.
Not pleasure that causes harm but pleasure that creates from the energy of our desires and sustains love. We are not on this earth just for the use of our labor or external need of validation from others to affirm our self-worth.
Using the energy of desirability, the erotic, my intention is to help queer and non-queer trauma survivors and healing and helping professionals, personally and professionally, develop trauma-informed and trauma-responsive, evidence-based, healing-centered integrative care practices, everyday living strategies, and sustainable healing frameworks for the WHOLE-Self healing and to have the capacity to show up for self and their relationships.
In 2021, after surviving a mental health crisis, and through 2022, I intentionally worked consistently to create embodied safety. This led to me increasingly becoming compassionately self-aware and emotionally regulated.
In 2023, I intentionally worked to become more trusting of myself. This led me to become discerning about my relationship to self, others, self-accountability, and my decision-making process.
In 2024, I intentionally worked to become confidently embodied moving from wounded to empowered in my journey of healing. This led me to develop a presence practice that is more intentional about my commitment to my mindset, my moods, and my movements-which includes my decisions-making and my efforts.
I have value because I exist.
I am love because I am also whole pleasurably.
Capitalism and colonialism have dehumanized our inherent value and our love but that doesn’t have to remain the case.
My dad told me years ago- “Baby steps are still steps forward.”
That word has encouraged me tremendously.
In 2025, I am celebrating myself of reconnecting to my WHOLENESSS and the numerous baby steps I have made. Each step was a step to this future, even the “mid-steps”.
In my healing, this is the year of the lover.
So, I hope this reminder-
You are already whole, a lover, and valued.
This is the embodiment of decolonizing your healing.
To show up in this work and have capacity for yourself, for those you love, and what you love to do- it's your turn to move from wounded to empowered and embody this
self-liberating belief.
Self-Liberation is self-determined with community collaboration and support. This work is individual and collaborative. This work is vulnerable. This work is intimate.
To support your embodiment of decolonized healing, we can collaborate with:
I also offer my collaboration through:
How else can we collaborate?
"Defining ourselves by our oppression denies the very magic of who we are"
-Joan Morgan, Ph.D.
Author of Hip Hop Feminism: When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost
I know and believe in